Re: editing soap binding: please review!

This looks good to me, except for the following, which seems to restrict 
us fairly drastically, i.e. I could not even use SOAP SMTP, even though 
the rules are fairly similar:

"The SOAP binding defined by this specification only supports the SOAP 
HTTP Binding as defined by the [SOAP 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts 
<>] specification."

Also, the following will likely need revising when we add support for 
MTOM: the "message" is the entire SOAP message (i.e. envelope + 
attachments), not just the SOAP envelope (but we can consider this later).

"When formulating the SOAP envelope to be transmitted the contents of 
the payload (i.e., the contents of the |soap:Body| /element information 
item/ of the SOAP envelope) MUST be what is defined by the corresponding 
Message Reference component."

But as far as the component model goes, great! And thanks for come on board!


Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

>I have written up the soap:binding element as a sample of how the bindings
>need to be documented using the component model speak style. Please review
>it now so that any changes can be done now rather than after more elements
>have been written up.
>Please look at the whole section and comment.
>Once we agree to this approach, the HTTP binding also needs to be written
>up the same way. Right now it does not speak in component model speak
>and that's not correct.

Received on Tuesday, 18 May 2004 03:43:45 UTC