Strawman SOAP 1.2 Binding pseudo-schema

As per my action item today, here is the pseudo-schema that I have been 
working on recently for the SOAP 1.2 binding. This is only an indication 
of what we might want to support, and is of course open to feedback and 

The essential new additions, compared to the SOAP 1.1 binding, are:

1) @mep, to indicate the SOAP 1.2 MEP used. It should be compatible with 
the WSDL @pattern in use.

2) @webMethod, to set the SOAP 1.2 WebMethod feature (we may wish to use 
a WSDL feature syntax instead).

3) @mediaType, to later cater for MTOM/ZOP.

4) @role (was @actor in SOAP 1.1)

5) @relay, the SOAP 1.2 attribute that governs header forwarding.

6) @reinsert, the MTOM attribute that governs header reinsertion, as per 
yesterday's XMLP telcon.

For some reason, I missed the <module/> syntax, and faults may not be 
uptodate with Part 1. Both are bugs that should be fixed. I may have 
missed a number of obvious things as well.


<definitions >
     <wsoap:binding binding="xsd:anyURI"
                    mediaTypeDefault="xsd:string"? />
     <feature .../>*
     <property .../>*
     <wsoap:faultDefault name="xsd:NCName">
       <wsoap:operation mep="xsd:anyURI"?
                        mediaType="xsd:anyURI"? /> ?
       <feature .../>*
       <property .../>*
         <wsoap:header element="xs:QName"
                       reinsert="xsd:boolean"? />*
         <feature .../>*
         <property .../>*
       <(infault|outfault) name="xs:NCName"
                           messageReferences="xs:NCName ...">

       <wsoap:address location="xsd:anyURI" />

Received on Thursday, 25 March 2004 13:06:35 UTC