completed more EDTODOs from 20040311 telecon

Hi Jonathan,

I've completed the following:

EDTODO    2004-03-05: Editors to update draft to say that include will
                      fail early.
EDTODO    2004-03-05: Editors to add text saying two imports with same
                      import/@targetNamespace is legal.
EDTODO    2004-03-05: Editors to change spec to require absolute URIs
                      and indicate that comparison must be done
                      character-by-character as per TAG finding.

Can someone please help me find the bib info for this TAG finding?
I have the following right now:

TAG Finding on URI Comparisn, X. Foo, Y. Bar, Authors. W3C Technical
Architecture Group, Month, Year. Available at


Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2004 23:22:11 UTC