Re: features and requiredness

Hi Glen,

> > I think these EDTODOs came from the discussion between Jonathan
> > and Glen about F&P, right? Guys, did you mean feature/@required
> > when the above says wsdl:required?
> Absolutely, yes.  This was apparently a misunderstanding.

So should the EDTODO automatically transfer to this or do we
need further discussion? Jonathan?

> We could do that for a given component, but you still need to talk about
> when you have:
> <interface name="iSvc">
>  <feature uri="foo:feature1" required="true"/>
> </interface>
> <binding interface="iSvc">
>  <feature uri="foo:feature1" required="false"/>
> </binding>

Where in the spec say how these things are spsed to be combined? Without
that its hard to say what to do if what's being combined has different
@required values. If you look at the features property of binding
for example it doesn't say anything about having to compose the
properties. What should it say?

> > Finally, does the same thing need to be done for property/@required?
> I still don't think that property/@required really makes any sense, but if
> we have it it should have the same semantics (an in-scope
> property/@required="true" trumps a "false").

Given there's no assigned task to put this in I won't do it.


Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2004 12:41:53 UTC