features and requiredness

[Many apologies for spamming this list, but I need to get these
items clarified one-by-one .. so spam it is going to be until we
get this baby done.]

I'm trying to deal with the following:

EDTODO    2004-03-05: Editors to clarify the spec to say that
                      wsdl:required attribute means that a feature 
                      must be understood and it must be engaged.
EDTODO    2004-03-05: Editors to clarify that the strongest value of
                      the @wsdl:required attribute wins.

So I'm definitely confused: Our spec does not allow wsdl:required
to be present on elements in the WSDL namespace. 

I think these EDTODOs came from the discussion between Jonathan
and Glen about F&P, right? Guys, did you mean feature/@required
when the above says wsdl:required?

So we're trying to help idiots who want to say:

        <feature uri="schema:foo-bar-baz" required="true"/>
        <feature uri="schema:foo-bar-baz" required="false"/>

by providing a semantic for it??? Why not say this is illegal .. 
all feature components in a given parent must have unique @uri values.

Finally, does the same thing need to be done for property/@required?


Received on Monday, 15 March 2004 11:37:15 UTC