- From: Jonathan Marsh <jmarsh@microsoft.com>
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 12:31:03 -0800
- To: <www-ws-desc@w3.org>
-------------------------------------------------------- Monday 3 March -------------------------------------------------------- 09:00 Introductions and logistics Present: David Booth W3C Glen Daniels Macromedia Dietmar Gaertner Software AG Martin Gudgin Microsoft Tom Jordahl Macromedia Jacek Kopecky Systinet Philippe Le Hégaret W3C Amelia Lewis TIBCO Kevin Canyang Liu SAP Jonathan Marsh Chair (Microsoft) Jeff Mischkinsky Oracle (Tuesday only) Dale Moberg Cyclone Commerce Don Mullen Tibco Arthur Ryman IBM Jeffrey Schlimmer Microsoft Igor Sedukhin Computer Associates Jerry Thrasher Lexmark William Vambenepe Hewlett-Packard Umit Yalcinalp Oracle Phone: Allen Brookes Rogue Wave Software Steve Lind AT&T Lily Liu webMethods Jean-Jacques Moreau Canon Sanjiva Weerawarana IBM Observers: Simon Genzer Iona Technologies (for Adi) Marc Hadley Sun (for Roberto) Martin Chapman Oracle (for Jeff) Abbie Barbar Nortel Harold Boley NRC Eric Prud'hommeaux W3C Yves Lafon W3C Carine Bournez W3C Ray Whitmer AOL Tim Berners-Lee W3C Regrets: Roberto Chinnici Sun Microsystems Youenn Fablet Canon Adi Sakala IONA Technologies -------------------------------------------------------- - Assignment of scribes Jeff Mischkinsky, Jerry Thrasher, Dietmar Gaertner, Allen Brookes, Glen Daniels, Umit Yalcnalp, Kevin Liu, Jacek Kopecky) Monday AM: Jacek Monday PM: Dietmar Tuesday AM: Philippe Tuesday PM: Jerry [scribe: Jacek] -------------------------------------------------------- 09:20 Properties and Features - [relevant materials from PFTF] Gudge: Why is soap:header not sufficient? GlenD: You might have related headers and a spec that covers them all [GlenD: Four things we're trying to express: 1) A particular feature is OFFERED 2) A particular feature is REQUIRED 3) A particular property is CONSTRAINED 4) A particular property is GIVEN A VALUE] [Arthur: is 4) simply an extreme case of 3) ?] Amy: don't interpret this as negotiation DavidB: that's how I interpreted the first two GlenD: WSDL shows what's available [marc: so does abstract bit of WSDL do the requiring and the binding do the offering ?] [GlenD: (marc, right) Example: <portType> <feature url="securechannel" required=true/> </portType> <soapBinding> <soapmodule uri="securemodule"/> </soapBinding> [marc: that implies there are validity constraints between abstract and binding related to the features required/offered] [GlenD: correct] some discussion on whether it needs to go into portType Arthur: if it's abstract, it goes into portType GlenD: Features are abstract, the particular implementations are concrete. This potentially goes into the realm of WS-Policy. jeffsch: why wouldn't you put it on messages? Amy: it's still sort of fuzzy where this should go. GlenD: while you could have a feature that goes on input and not on ouput, I don't see it going onto messages. jeffsch: I'm wondering whether we really want to put this on portType and possibly make portType something bigger than it is now. GlenD: With respect to the MEP stuff, it's whole separate can of worms. They are related, though. There is a question on guidelines on how to write specs. In WSDL we should focus on what we have to expose. The idea of P&F is being able to say: I'm running this service, there is an extension (not just a header) that you should use when talking to the service. MartinChapman: that's exactly what I see WS-Policy doing. TomJ: A feature says "there is a policy here and I want you to stick to it when talking to me" Amy: it depends on what you're writing you WSDL for. It would be nice to have a standard way of expressing usage of a feature and combinations of features. If two specs need correlation IDs, they can reuse a common way of correlation. With P&Fs you can just refer to a property instead of reinventing it every time. In MEPs, we do a similar thing. GlenD: So MEP is a kind of feature but it's called out as a first-class thing because it's so "core". Amy: features represent static state, MEPs represent dynamic state umit: it really sounds to me like MEPs are a subset (scribe: use?) of P&F GlenD: An MEP is one type of thing you might do with the P&F. But there's a whole lot of other stuff, too, and it may be orthogonal and combinable. DavidB: The capabilities of MEP specification is a subset of P&F specification's capabilities Amy: MEPs specify a lot of state umit: we had spent a lot of time about combining MEPs, doesn't combining P&Fs become the same kind of problem? Amy: currently, there is inadequate attention to modularization of specs jeffsch: I don't see this proposal as really helping with these problems. An existing correlation ID needn't work for some applications so they will recreate their correlation. And the P&F spec doesn't really help. Amy: If you define you properties and make them more visible, there's a greater chance of reuse. There are some things you want to reference in the WSDL, like HTTP content negotiation GlenD: what we want to do is pretty simple: we want to provide a well-known slot where you put this kind of information in the WSDL jeffsch: is this a recommendation on how to write specs? SOAP 1.2 features are not used much yet GlenD: yes, but while our P&F potentially opens a can of worms, it may be a can that's already open by SOAP extensibility model. It's easier to share the concept of a property than a generic WSDL extensibility element [jjm-RNS: +1 to what Glen just said] Don: it also makes it easier for implementors Jonathan: I still don't see a huge difference between a feature URI and a WSDL extension element QName GlenD: P&F gives you a common way to constrain values, for example. That's a common expressive power that you'd have to specify over and over in generic extensions jeffsch: this P&F defines a pattern for extensibility GlenD: yes, and it might not fly, but we may try Amy: we're providing a syntax for people to do some stuff in a common, easily recognizable fashion jeffsch: one of my points is if the soap:binding itself is motivated to this degree of generality GlenD: some of the earlier proposals were to stick this into the SOAP binding jeffsch: the question is: is this more than a SOAP binding thing? GlenD: the pattern in general is usable elsewhere, too, e.g. in the HTTP bindings. So we're trying to pull out a general pattern of extensibility. Another nice thing is that when you start tagging things with URIs it may connect us with RDF and Semantic Web jeffsch: a common way of converting QNames into URIs should suffice. -------------------------------------------------------- 10:20 Break 10:40 Properties and Features (cont.) GlenD: P&F is factoring out some expected common functionality of WSDL extensions Don: the user interface might be simplified with properties and features GlenD: so it should be in the portType to be able to express policy Jonathan: let's explore the downside of us not accepting this GlenD: we need a way of expressing in the SOAP binding the stuff that SOAP 1.2 does. soap:module was approved, but there is more than that. To satisfy our SOAP 1.2 requirements, P&F could be in the binding level. The rest is an expected commonality of WSDL usage. Jonathan: but we don't have much evidence people are going to write their specs in this fashion yet [jjm-RNS: Some people are.] Philippe: there are two other Working Groups working on stuff that may use the mechanisms [jjm-RNS: WS Arch is looking into this problem as well.] jeffsch: even if this was not taken upon by WSDL 1.2, it could still live outside (in a note, for example) [jjm-RNS: The SOAP Abtract Attachment Feature specification was written using this model as well.] jeffsch: this topic is on this position of the agenda because many other issues are potentially dependent on this [jjm-RNS: +1 to jeff] Jonathan: there is the question of what this does to the abstract component model jeffsch: my guess is that this ends up adding to the component model. So it's not purely a syntax then. Seems like a list of properties on each operation (or on a portType). GlenD: and on the binding jeffsch: it's not a list, it's a set GlenD: there's a set of features (at each level) Amy: would properties show up in portType or in binding? [property] component is a URI and a constraint [properties] is a set of [property] it would go on operations, bindings, possibly portTypes Gudge: an extension could set the predefined properties in WSDL igors: with extensions we don't have to change the abstract model. I want to be able to focus on the core description of porttype without properties and features Gudge: what's the difference between putting P&F into component model and having this as an extension? igors: we can make P&F an extension syntactically and the component model could be tweaked sanjiva: I'm concerned about the relationship to Policy. You can certainly represent P&F as extension, just as Policy does it Jacek: what uses for P&F do we have in sight in WSDL? Philippe: since more than one spec is going to use this, why don't we put it into core? GlenD: until people start writing stuff according to SOAP 1.2 extensibility model, it's not going to have any "concreteness". We may give it a more real, concrete meaning in WSDL Lily: functionality-wise, WSDL features are the same as SOAP features? [sanjiva: except for design time vs runtime] Jonathan: SOAP has features, and that would be generalized beyond SOAP into Web Services features and properties TomJ: why is this controversial? jeffsch: minimal-change? TomJ: my processor may easily ignore this change GlenD: there's the wsdl:required bit TomJ: people are not shouting for this stuff Jacek: adding P&F into portType might change the understanding of portType's function DavidB: it's a trade-off between adopting a more general solution and a number of ad-hoc solutions TomJ: Amy says she needs this [sanjiva: yep frame the grid guys!] Amy: right Gudge: 1) are we interested in taking this forward, 2) (second-order) is this an extension or core Jonathan: 1) does *this group* want to take this on Philippe: we have a task force so we seem to have the resources GlenD: third path: let's hold off on P&F and dive into specific things that have depended on it. It might be enlightening on the need (or lack thereof) for P&F DavidB: it sounds like a good idea Jonathan: I get a bit worried about putting off such a big thing DavidB: the specific uses might demonstrate the need for P&F Jonathan: it also depends on whether there are going to be many uses for P&F outside of WSDL GlenD: the one-offs in WSDL will be examples of P&F use DavidB: let's take a straw-poll to see how many people want to deal with P&F now; if there are few such people, we may put it off Jonathan: we want to ask whether we want to drop this completely DavidB: the question might make sense to wait Jonathan: we want to see the leaning on that, too, now DavidB: three-way poll [Marsh: Option 1) work on it now Option 2) wait till we resolve some dependent issues Option 3) drop it now] Jonathan: the PFTF has overgrown it's charter already, we've also seen some interest from outside this WG. We might recharther the PFTF. Any concerns with the three options as stated? results: option 1) 16 option 2) 6 option 3) 2 Jonathan: we seem to have significant support for working on it now. How do we want to proceed? Syntax, questions? [voices propose syntax discussions first] jeffsch: I propose me and JJM to show how it works for the soap binding GlenD: we have some syntax but I dont' want to show it as the agreed result of PFTF [alewis: <feature uri="anyURI" required="boolean" /> AND EITHER: <property uri="anyURI" constraint="QName" /> OR both:] <propertyValue uri="anyURI">anySimpleType</propertyValue> <propertyConstraint uri="anyURI">QName</propertyConstraint> GlenD: properties are shared by features, not really owned. Properties should not be inside features because there is a single property space Jonathan: features and properties are two top-level things, properties can be associated with features, WSDL doesn't model that Gudge: there are two top-level spaces? There may be interaction between features and properties but WSDL doesn't say? GlenD, Jonathan: right GlenD: Features specify value space constraints for properties sanjiva: I understand props and features as abstract stuff and implementation info GlenD: a property is more like "which particular encryption method you're using for a security feature". Or what the possible timeout values is on reliability sanjiva: there's another URI, for a SOAP module, that's independent? GlenD: SOAP module URI is SOAP-specific Jacek: and the SOAP module could implement WSDL features sanjiva: I have to see concrete, specific scenarios GlenD: for us the interesting part is that something in the binding implements the features. The properties from the WSDL point of view are the aspects of the features that the user is interested in Jonathan: I'd like to see how P&F would affect the component model before diving into syntax. And how inheritance affects this [marc: is multiple inheritance a given ?] jeffsch: it seems that if P&F are on operations, it's already solved [Gudge presents a take on how the component model would look like] Gudge: binding component would include two additional properties: [features] and [properties]. You don't want a feature to be able to add properties GlenD: yes Gudge: the [properties] property is a set of Property components. But it doesn't *do* anything! TomJ: it's just hints for the processor umit: this seems like a meta-level definition and it should be elsewhere. What you're trying to do can be done externally to the portType Jacek: it's a matter of drawing the line of what porttype does DavidB: it's also very subjective issue -------------------------------------------------------- 12:00 Lunch [scribe: Dietmar Gaertner] 13:00 Properties and Features (cont.) [plh-lap: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-pnf-tf/2003Feb/0058.html] [Amy explains the syntax proposal.] Amy: feature bits seem to be non-controversial [properties: create a restriction in the types section and reference it as a QName] Gudge: spec says: each property has a schema type Amy: is the proposal that properties can have complex type? That is a larger problem! Property definition should be simple; just a value or enumeration of values Glen: property value: either value or constraint [plh-lap: <wsdl:property uri='anyURI'> <wsdl:value>list of strings</wsdl:value> <wsdll:constraint>QName</wsdll:constraint> </wsdl:property>] [Marsh: <wsdl:property uri="anyURI" type="QName"?>content?</wsdl:property>] Sanjiva: syntax looks like the syntax for defining a WSDL policy Jonathan: policy also contains compositers Glen: Cool if we could merge the syntax-es [Marsh: Some options: <wsdl:property uri="anyURI"> <wsdl:value>content</wsdl:value> <wsdl:constraint>Qname</wsdl:constraint> <wsdl:property> <wsdl:property uri="anyURI" type="QName"?>content?</wsdl:property> Sanjiva: better to come up with a proper syntax offline [plh-lap: <wsdl:property uri="anyURI" type="QName (XSD type)"?> content? </wsdl:property> [type and content are exclusive]] [GlenD: So you can say: "the property 'http://foo' is an xsd:int'] [Gudge: So, I remain confused about what the propertyValue/Constraint elements map to at the component level] Sanjiva: how to extend this to do the policy stuff etc. [GlenD: (you say that in your spec) Then you can say: <schema namespace="http://blah"> <complexType name="t"> <restriction base="xsd:int"> constrain to 5..10 .... </restriction> </complexType> then: <property uri="http://foo" type="blah:t" xmlns:blah="http://blah"/> OR <property uri="http://foo" xmlns:blah="http://blah">5</property> (apologies for terrible and wrong schema above)] [sanjiva: Gudge will now point out all the errors ;-)] Tom: ... fears that this makes the spec way too complicated... Glen: example: Axis message context Tom: feature with 3 properties, all on/off style Glen: there needs to be some code artifact that corresponds to the properties Tom: to you allow me to constrain a complex type? Amy: Why do we need a complex type here? Glen: SOAP decided not to restrict from beeing complex; maybe this is a reason to do it... Amy: simple value (embedded) is something that will be used 80-90% of the time. (to Glen) give me a feature the needs a complex type [discussion goes back and forth about simple type vs. complex type property values...] Tom: wants a very straightforward syntax. Prefer the service to be declarative about the properties Glen: syntactical representation (of complex case): define a restriction of a complex type Jonathan: worried about an 80% case for an extensibility model [... discussion back and forth again whether features and properties are at all needed, and whether simple model or complex model is required and so on and so on ...] Glen: come up with a (complex) example, maybe in the next break... Jonathan: which syntax is preferred? (single line vs. two line) Glen: contraint expressed in the WSDL decreases the probability that the client sends wrong messages Marc: how to make sure that the binding is covered by a feature? Glen: there has to be some text in the WSDL spec that describes the validation process Jonathan: new syntax proposal: propertyValue / propertyConstraint [plh-lap: <wsdl:propertyConstraint uri='anyURI' type='QName'/> <wsdl:propertyValue uri='anyURI'>content?</>] Igor: required: WSDL processor has to understand the element called "feature" Gudge: why don't we just have type? [Proposal now: <wsdl:feature uri="anyURI" required="boolean" /> <wsdl:propertyConstraint uri="anyURI" type="QName" /> <wsdl:propertyShortcutConstraint uri='anyURI'> content? </wsdl:propertyShortcutConstraint>] [shortcut is still an issue] Glen: feature makes sense only on portType and portType binding [Gudge: rough draft is at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/desc/wsdl12/wsdl12-fandp.xml] Igor: why property on port? Amy: fault address as a property. But it is cleaner if property appears only on the binding tree Jonathan: strawpoll: remove property from port or not? 8 in favor of having property on port 3 to take it out [GlenD: <wsdl:service> <wsdl:port> <wsdl:property> <-- allow this? --> </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> that was the poll] [Marsh: <wsdl:portType> <wsdl:feature />* <wsdl:property />* <wsdl:operation> <wsdl:feature />* <wsdl:property />* </wsdl:operation>* </wsdl:portType> <wsdl:binding> <wsdl:property />* <wsdl:operation> <wsdl:property />* </wsdl:operation>* </wsdl:binding> <wsdl:service> <wsdl:port> <wsdl:property />* </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service>] Glen: precedence of property: the most specific wins Jonathan: question on complex content: disallow complex content for properties or just disallow the shortcut? [Answer: Just disallow the shortcut.] [plh-lap: <wsdl:propertyValue uri='anyURI'>content?</wsdl:propertyValue> <wsdl:propertyConstraint uri='anyURI' type='QName'/> <wsdl:feature uri='anyURI' required='boolean'/> any change? propertyValue and propertyConstraint are exclusive for a given URI <wsdl:property uri='anyURI' <wsdl:value>content</wsdl:value> <wsdl:constraint>QName (XML Schema type)</wsdl:constraint> </wsdl:property>] Gudge: having two elements that refer to the same thing seems weired... [plh-lap: (Gudge) <wsdl:property uri='anyURI'> <wsdl:value>content</wsdl:value> <wsdl:constraint type='QName' /> </wsdl:property>] Umit: this is extensibility for the "plugability" of the spec Lily: any way to say a value is optional? Glen: look in the feature/property spec [value and constraint are exclusive] [plh-lap: <!ELEMENT property (value | constraint)> wsdl: or theExtensibilityNamespaceforPropertiesAndFeatures: ?] [ericP: can you know which feature will use a particular property? ie, if you have two features, would the properties be bound to one or the other?] [plh-lap: ericP, looking at the spec of the feature yes, but not looking at the WSDL] [ericP: so the requiredness comes from the feature spec] [plh-lap: ericP: that's correct, if the processor knows the feature, the processor will look for the property.] [ericP: so that leaves them all required in that WSDL core libs will need to preserve them for any feature that may need them.] Glen: you set a property without using a feature Jacek: the bindings' (soap:modules' etc.) specs have to say which features are implemented in that binding (module etc.) Jonathan: so the advantage of putting P&F into extension namespace is that a processor can barf if it doesn't know P&F? Igor: features might just be hints Jacek: I think the advantage is that simple WSDL processors needn't know P&F and be simpler. Glen: tradeoff between having the feature stuff in the core and in an extension Igor: Advantage if not part of the core. Then WSDL processor that does not know about properties could still process the WSDL David: no point in doing it if it is not part of the core Jeff: agrees, if it would match the original proposition Jonathan: puts an implication on future specs: they have to be feature/property compliant Gudge: this takes us back to where we were in Virginia... Jonathan: strawpoll: have this in the WSDL namespace or another NS? [with phone votes: 11:4 (WSDL NS vs. other NS)] Jonathan: Objections? [none] -------------------------------------------------------- 15:20 Break 15:40 Remove binding? - Gudge's "proposal" [3] [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2003Feb/0115.html (Remove binding topic) ... it was an interesting idea, but won't gonna fly... -------------------------------------------------------- 15:50 7 MEP Review - Spec changes [4] and MEP spec [5]. Discussion starts at [6]. Note that the chair was unable to pick up succinct explanations of possible issues from the wide-ranging thread. Assistance from the participants in the thread is welcomed! - Names instead of numbers [7] - Operation content model issue [8] [4] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/desc/wsdl12/wsdl12.html?rev= [5] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/desc/wsdl12/wsdl12-meps.html [6] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2003Feb/0052.html [7] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2003Feb/0077.html [8] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2003Feb/0121.html Two things we are reviewing: 1. changes to part 1 of the spec 2. list of 7 MEPs Amy: MEP 7 Problem: complex content model [alewis: OUT, ( (IN, oFault?) | iFault)*] Amy: major objection: a fault should only occur when the published interface is violated. [alewis: OUT, (IN, oFault?)*] Jacek: 2 kinds of faults: infrastructure (out of mem, etc.) and app faults Jacek: MEP 7 is about infrastructure faults [alewis: OUT, IN*] [Amy disagrees] [alewis: OUT, (IN, oFault?)*] Amy: response to input message of the client Jacek: mustUnderstand faults are an artifact of SOAP and must not be described by the application [sanjiva: when its appropriate, I'd appreciate if someone could explain "infault" to me] [Gudge: faults that are inbound to the service. outfault is the opposite] [sanjiva: What does that mean? Why would a service indicate it accepts incoming faults?] Jacek: in WSDL at port type level the assumtion that any message can fault is not good. Amy agreed that MEP 7 is supposed to represent solicit-response Tom: MEP 7 is different to all others because of multicast response [Jacek: out, (in || ifault)*] Jacek: suggesting that no app level fault can occur Jeff: is it our intention that we want 7 MEP in the spec and processors need to know them? or do we want to describe them as extensions? [Gudge about to present "an intersting MEP"] [plh-lap: MEPs -> http://www.w3.org/2003/01/meps.txt ] Jonathan: MEP 7 is controversial Sanjiva: what about the other 6? Gudge starts [dbooth: Here are the 7 proposed MEPs: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/desc/wsdl12/wsdl12-meps.html] Gudge: data service item (MEP 2) [plh-lap: MEP 2 is IN, (OUT | OFAULT)] Tom: the good MEP Gudge: but now consider multicast Client view: sends out-msg, receives in-msg but client can receive in-msg that was triggered by another client. Is this case covered by MEP 2? Same port type for the unicast and multi-cast binding [...dispute on the abstractness of bindings...] David: MEP needs to identify the node parts Jonathan: stop here. Continue the discussion in the morning -------------------------------------------------------- 16:30 QA with Karl Dubost. - Spec writing guidelines (esp. extensibility) [9] [9] http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/2003/01/qaframe-spec/#Gd-extensions Karl: 7 docs WSDL should review [dbooth: http://www.w3.org/QA/] [dbooth: http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/2003/01/qaframe-ops-checklist-20030129.html] Karl: operational guidelines, specification guidelines, test guidelines. Prioritized checkpoints ; not all of them may always apply. We will not do the QA job for you. WS-Desc group: ooohhh Jonathan: what about conformance of the WG specs to the QA spec? Karl: Don't know yet. Add to the charter that you need to develop a test suite; benefit: helps to get the spec right. Important to have a QA contact in the WG. Jonathan: OP guidelines: chair and team contact. Spec guidelines: editors. Test guidelines: ? Philippe: WSDL test suite is chartered Arthur: we should have a normative schema for WSDL Jonathan: ... a correct schema for WSDL Arthur: better a normative schema than a normative prose David: how to tie a (normative) schema to the spec? Mark those parts of the spec that are normative, if they cannot be expressed in the schema Jonathan: Editors willing to put in the markup? [Gudge agrees] ACTION: editors to discuss normative markup question and come back with a strategy ACTION: Jonathan to name a QA contact for the WG Karl: we do not encourage the groups to use extensions, but recognise that they are sometimes necessary Gudge: given that XML is the *extensible* ML, I don't believe in this statement... ACTION: editors to review the specification guidelines by 18th of March -------------------------------------------------------- 17:30 Adjourn
Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 15:31:11 UTC