Re: SOAP MEPs and Abstract MEPs


it is indeed a nice write-up. I disagree with one, possibly minor,

> In WSDL, the <interaction> or <operation> would refer to the Abstract MEP.
> The SOAP binding would then specify which of the SOAP MEPs would be used.

Since a WSDL operation defines the message interactions at one node
while an Abstract MEP defines the message interactions among multiple
(2+?) nodes. Therefore a WSDL operation utilizes a subset of the
Abstract MEP, that is those parts that pertain to a given node and it
would not only refer to the MEP but to the node it's describing, too.

There is no requirement in your definition (nor in SOAP MEP definition)
that an MEP provide means to identify the different nodes. Do you think
this requirement should be added?

Best regards,

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Senior Architect, Systinet Corporation

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2003 12:29:02 UTC