RE: MEPs: Operation content model (was: Template for renaming discussion)

Agreed. We still need to do some work on the binding portion of part 1. Essentially, the content model is the same as that for port type, and the component model is copied down from the port type referenced by the type attribute. This is already in the editors todo list.


From: Jonathan Marsh
Sent: Fri 28/02/2003 19:00
Subject: MEPs: Operation content model (was: Template for renaming discussion)

I could not help noticing below that the content model for <operation>
is different depending on whether it appears in a <portType> or a
<binding>, according to the MEP proposal as I read it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Marsh
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:58 AM
To: ''
Subject: Template for renaming discussion

Here is a comprehensive list (I believe) of the Part 1 element and
attribute names including those suggested in the MEPs proposal [1].  My
hope is that having these all listed on a single page will facilitate
the Renaming discussion.  The (s) indicates places where the proposal
was unclear on whether the name is plural or not.  I propose dealing
with precise names for these new constructs under the "Renaming" agenda
item instead of the "MEPs" agenda item.

<definitions targetNamespace="...">
  <documentation/> <!-- not shown henceforth -->
  <include location="..."/>
  <import namespace="..." location="..."/>
    <xs:import namespace="..." schemaLocation="..."/>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="..."/>
  <message name="...">
    <part name="..." element="..." type="..."/>
  <portType name="..." extends="...">
    <operation name="..." mep="...">
      <input name="..." message="..."/>
      <output name="..." message="..."/>
      <infault(s) name="..." message(s)="..."/>
      <outfault(s) name="..." message(s)="..."/>
  <binding name="..." type="...">
    <operation name="...">
      <input name="..." message="..."/>
      <output name="..." message="..."/>
      <fault name="..." message="..."/>
  <service name="...">
    <port name="..." binding="...">
  <some:ext wsdl:required="..."/>


Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 14:27:04 UTC