Re: Latest WSDL XML

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 13:37, Steve Graham wrote:
> Regarding [1]:
> I am having trouble reading this document.
> Two questions:
> 1) Is it legal to have the following in the file:
> <!DOCTYPE xs:schema PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XMLSCHEMA 200102//EN'
>                            '' [
> <!ENTITY % entities SYSTEM 'entities.dtd' >
> %entities;
> ]>
> It seems that two tools have trouble with this construct.

This is legal according to XML 1.0:

> Second question:
> The schema declaration:
> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=''
>            targetNamespace='&wsdl-ns;'
>            xmlns:wsdl='&wsdl-ns;'
>            elementFormDefault='qualified' >
> Uses '&WSDL-ns;'.  This looks like some sort of parameterized expansion.
> Can some one clue me in to how this works?

That's a general entity defined in XML 1.0. wsdl-ns is defined in
<!ENTITY wsdl-ns

> Can some one clue me in to how this works?

Basically, this mechanism simplifies the publication of the documents
and ensure that all materials are in sync. I don't publish the real
editors copy of the XML Schemas but an XSLT copy of them. Look at the
January version of WSDL 1.2 XML Schema:
Entities are removed by the XSL transformation and default attributes
are added in the document as well.


Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2003 14:04:28 UTC