Re: issue 57: Should Operations permit alternate and multiple responses?


Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

> I would like to close the following issue as its redundant:
>   <issue>
>     <issue-num>57</issue-num>
>     <title>Should Operations permit alternate and multiple
> responses?</title>
>     <locus>Spec</locus>
>     <requirement>n/a</requirement>
>     <priority>Design</priority>
>     <topic></topic>
>     <status>Active</status>
>     <originator><a href="">Prasad
> Yendluri</a></originator>
>     <responsible>Unassigned</responsible>
>     <description>
>     [<a
> href="">ema
> il</a>]
>     We discussed this briefly at the F2F (perhaps) but, I think it
>     would be extremely helpful to permit alternate and multiple
>     responses to a request. That is permit multiple output messages in
>     an operation like we have multiple faults in an operation. It
>     would then be helpful to make them alternate or sequence. That is,
>     do all of them come back or just one of them. This is perhaps a
>     suggestion for new functionality.
>     </description>
>     <proposal>
>     </proposal>
>     <resolution>
>     </resolution>
>   </issue>
> The following closed issue makes the above redundant:
> <issue id="issue-operation-patterns" status="closed">
>   <head>Should more operation patterns be supported?</head>
>   We discussed this briefly at the April F2F (perhaps) but, I think
>   it would be extremely helpful to permit alternate and multiple
>   responses to a request. That is permit multiple output messages in
>   an operation like we have multiple faults in an operation. It would
>   then be helpful to make them alternate or sequence. That is, do all
>   of them come back or just one of them.
>   <source>Prasad Yendluri</source>
>   <resolution>This issue is closed by leaving it to the realm of
>   orchestration languages and applications. June 11, 2002 (at
>   face-to-face).</resolution>
> </issue>
> Any objections?
> Sanjiva.

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 11:16:50 UTC