issue 42: Shall "element" attribute of "part" only refer to elements defined in schema?

I would like to suggest that we close this issue as the new text
clearly indicates that the element attribute can only be used
to point to an XSD global element declaration.

(So the example is in error and we need to fix that.)


    <title>Shall "element" attribute of "part" only refer to elements
defined in schema?</title>
    <originator><a href="">Kevin
    <pre>In section 2.3 Messages, it states:
   " WSDL defines several such message-typing attributes for use with XSD:
        *element. Refers to an XSD element using a Qname.
        *type. Refers to an XSD simpleType or complexType using a Qname."

While in the section 3.1 example 4 and example 5, element is used as follow:
&lt;message name="GetTradePriceInput"&gt;
        &lt;part name="tickerSymbol" element="xsd:string"/&gt;
        &lt;part name="time" element="xsd:timeInstant"/&gt;
 Section 2.3 Message
 Section 3.1 SOAP Examples</pre>

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 08:03:54 UTC