issue 43: Does order matter for the child elements of "definitions"?

I would like to propose that we indicate that the order of child
elements of <definitions> is immaterial and close this issue. Given
that we have agreed to use QName references always, this seems to
be the obvious choice.


    <title>Does order matter for the child elements of
    <originator><a href="">Kevin
    [see also issue #10]
    <pre>Section 3.1 SOAP Examples, example 3 lists &lt;types&gt;
as the last element under &lt;definitions&gt;. This is inconsistent
with the schema where &lt;type&gt; is defined as the second of the
sequenced elements of the "definitionsType"; similar issue with
section 4.1 HTTP GET and POST Binding example 6 where &lt;binding&gt;
is put after &lt;service&gt;

 Section 3.1 SOAP Examples, example 3
    Section 4.1 HTTP GET and POST Binding example 6
 A 4.1 WSDL Schema</pre>

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 07:15:18 UTC