RE: Text for extensibility section

Sedukhin, Igor [] wrote:
>1. What if I want to introduce an attribute to extend, say portType?
>How am I going to mark that one required? 
>2. Why should I be prevented from extending WSDL constructs with

The new content model for WSDL-defined EII is open to both foreign EII
and AII. By default, any foreign AII is an optional "extension". The
means to mark a foreign EII or AII as "must recognize" is the same: an
EII representing the set of extensions is added as the child of a
WSDL-defined EII with wsdl:required='true'.

1. To extend a port type with an optional AII, just add the AII to the
port type. E.g.,

<portType name="myPortType" myNs:myExtension="0">

To extend a port type with a "must recognize" AII, add the AII to the
port type and add an EII to signal that the AII (and other EII) must be
understood. E.g.,

<portType name="myPortType" myNs:myExtension="0">
  <myNs:greatExtensions wsdl:required='true' />

In this example, the myNs:greatExtensions EII is defined elsewhere to
signal myNs:myExtension AII (presumably in the documentation that
describes the myNs namespace and myExtension EII). Note that there is no
requirement that the target namespace of the signaling EII must match
other EII or AII it covers.

2. You're not.


Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2002 14:45:47 UTC