Re: [amtf] my view of what the Abstract model should do and why

Just a few thoughts about what I'd like to have in the am....

IMHO, the main point of an am is to describe some key concepts to answer 
questions like what is an operation ? what is a service ?
In this sense, I like Jacek's proposal.
However, such definition of concepts would not be sufficient if we do 
not provide a link between these concepts and examples (use cases ?).
I think that we should provide some basic abstract use cases of WSDL 
(like create a proxy, use with UDDI, reuse in another WSDL file) to 
support the definition of these concepts in the am.
For instance, the operation concept may be somehow different if seen 
from a WSDL proxy view (send a message, receive a message) or from a 
WSDL programmer view (get this set of input (no matter how, in one or 
multiple messages), generate this set of output).


Received on Thursday, 6 June 2002 10:57:57 UTC