Combined list of SOAP 1.2 specific issues

I took a todo today to provide a combined list of SOAP 1.2
specific issues. Here is that list.


SOAP 1.2 specific issues


23        General support for SOAP 1.2
32        SOAP 1.1 backward compatibility support?
40        Current SOAP binding too complex
39,63   Implicit dependency between SOAP binding and abstract


14       Support for SOAP 1.2 features [AI jjm]
61       Support for SOAP 1.2 SOAP-Response MEP
26       Relationship between input/output and SOAP MEPs

Binding/Underlying Protocol

28       Identification of SOAP underlying protocol (HTTP, SMTP,
54       Allow any HTTP method [also applies to HTTP]
18       What is the default for soap:transport?
1, 2      SOAPAction
55        Need a way to set HTTP headers [also applies to HTTP]


31       Define soap:address directly in soap:binding [issue
needs clarification]


29       soap:body parts [issue needs clarification]
5, 30   soap:encodingStyle [proposal already available]


62       Specify a specific fault code to be returned

Data Model/Encoding

25      Unclear relationship between XML Schemas and SOAP data
3        Arrays currently dependent on SOAP 1.1


27      Style="rpc" does not map well to SOAP 1.2 RPCs


51       Asymmetry between soap:body and soap:header
48       Is soap:body's "use" AII optional or not?
20       Is soap:header's "part" AII of type NMTOKEN or NMTOKENS?

19       Is soap:headerfault really optional?
45       Is soap:fault's "use" AII optional or not?
44       soap:fault's "name" AII not defined in schema
47       Is soap:operation optional or not?
46       Is soap:transport optional or not?
49       Inconsistency in soap:header definition

Received on Friday, 5 July 2002 12:00:34 UTC