WSDL and Asynchronous Messaging


WSDL 1.1 supports four transmission primitives
*	One-way. The endpoint receives a message. 
*	Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message. 
*	Solicit-response. The endpoint sends a message, and receives a correlated message. 
*	Notification. The endpoint sends a message. 

Do these define only *synchronous* calls, or they also define *asynchronous* calls.

Consider the following scenerio-

"X" is a peer, which expose a function "GetTodaysTotalSales". Any other peer (say *Y*) can establish a permanent session with *X* (some how) and can call the function
"GetTodaysTotalSales". Now *Y*  can send the result of these call to *X* asychronously (say after 2 hours).

How would we represent such a function using WSDL1.1

Can the above mentioned primitives represent such a function?

Also in general, can i use WSDL1.1 to define *asynchronus messaging* between two peers (which may be using SOAP over SMTP or SOAP over BEEP)?

If WSDL1.1  does not support this, is this taken care of in WSDL1.2

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Naresh Agarwal

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 2002 07:46:49 UTC