RE: WSDL and targetNamespace coercion ??

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Asir S Vedamuthu [] 
> Sent: 13 August 2002 14:01
> To: WS-Desc WG (Public)
> Subject: WSDL and targetNamespace coercion ??
> Hi,
> I have two questions that relate to targetNamespace coercion. 
> I will greatly appreciate any input from this group. Let me 
> use an example,
> <definitions name="InteropTest" 
> targetNamespace=""
>  xmlns=""
>  xmlns:soap=""
>  xmlns:tns="">
> 	...
>   <!-- IMPORT [1] -->
>   <import location=""
>     namespace="" />
>   <!-- IMPORT [2] -->
>   <import location=""
>     namespace="" />
>   <service name="interopLab">
>     <port name="interopTestPort" binding="tns:InteropTestSoapBinding">
>       <soap:address location="" />
>     </port>
>   </service>
> </definitions>
> IMPORT [1] and [2] statements import 2 namespaces into this 
> web service description. However, these 2 statements point to 
> the same location. At a glance, it appears that IMPORT [2] 
> attempts to coerce the namespace from 
> '' to > ''
> My 
> two question are,
> [Q1] In 
> general, does WSDL allow target namespace coercion?

I believe it is the intention of the WSDWG that WSDL import work the
same way as XML Schema import. So targetNamespace coercion is not
allowed. I propose we add text to the spec along the lines of;

The actual value of the targetNamespace AII of the imported WSDL MUST
match the actual value of the namespace AII on the import EII.

> [Q2] If WSDL allows target namespace coercion, what are the 
> processing rules for coercing target namespaces?

Given answer to Q1, not relevant.

Hope this helps


> Regards,
> Asir S Vedamuthu
> webMethods, Inc.
> 703-460-2513 or

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 09:45:12 UTC