- From: Jonathan Marsh <jmarsh@microsoft.com>
- Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 14:39:02 -0700
- To: <www-ws-cg@w3.org>
Dear WSCG, The WS Description Working Group would like to request that you coordinate the development of a SOAP one-way MEP, and the binding of such a MEP to HTTP. The WSDL 2.0 Adjuncts spec [1] defines one-way MEPs, yet our SOAP/HTTP binding does not support such MEPs. We believe out-of-the-box support for one-way MEPs is an important use case, given impetus by WS-Addressing's capability to separate requests and reply in time and location. Such interactions are likely to be modeled in WSDL as two separate one-way operations, yet there is no standard binding of such a MEP for SOAP over HTTP. If such a MEP can be delivered prior to the completion of WSDL 2.0, we would take a dependency on it. Currently for in-out interactions we default the binding to the SOAP Request-Response MEP [2]. We would like to default the binding to the new SOAP One-Way MEP for in-only interactions. We don't however feel it is within our current charter to define such a MEP. We expect to forward a set of requirements for this MEP, developed in the Async Task Force, to you shortly. - Jonathan Marsh on behalf of the WSDL WG [1] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20-adjuncts [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part2-20030624/#singlereqrespmep
Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2005 21:39:58 UTC