- From: Hugo Haas <hugo@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 16:20:06 -0500
- To: www-ws-cg@w3.org
[ Resending Chris Ferris's minutes: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-cg/2002Mar/0014.html ] Roll David Fallside Chris Ferris Hugo Haas Jonathan Marsh Eric Miller - regrets Agenda 1. coord liaison with other groups 2. scheduling ws act wg f2f meetings 3. recharter xmlp 4. conduct business in public 5. charter requires wg to send status reports 24 hours before calls 6. status reports to be sent to public lists 1. coord liaison with other groups df: with regards to xml-cg, chris already started, rotate on six month basis? cf: yes df: i'll send michael a note, giving date and who takes over? hh: you signed up for 6 months, end of august? cf: yes df: through aug 31? cf: yes, who's next? df: both jm and hh seemed happy to colunteer, hh gets to decide if he's next... hh: september exactly when i'm returning to france, happy to postpone decision df: okay then jm seemed willing ACTION: df to send email to xml-cg saying cf's tenure is until end august and jm takes over from there df: also means we should have regular slot on this call for regular report from xml-cg hh: i could also do a report from sw-cg, or eric could df: anything to report? cf: nothing to report really df: okay, coord, liaison with semantic web... hh: i'm attending semantic web cg, eric miller participates in ws-cg description wg is going to have an rdf mapping of their language, that should take care of s/w liaison cf: we also have daml-s invited expert hh: basically liaison with daml-s is external group, if we're on this topic of liaison with external i can also talk about omg... jm: on rdf mapping, we have first draft mapping sitting in our inbox, no discussion has ensued yet, hoping this serves as foundation for work going forward, assigned editor to it. still working on req'ts df: anything else? what about wsawg? cf:... hh: mybe we should talk to em about this? also talked to grid forum. published a paper on how they used wsdl, how they would like to use ws limitations they found in wsdl, what they're looking for in ws-arch. talked about becoming w3c member (an dorganization in grid). need to talk to chris more and follow up with david and philippe. would be good to have invited expert from grid in ws-arch. cf: would be ideal hh: also talked to patrick gannon regarding liaison with OASIS, possibly Karl Best in arch wg or maybe cg df: like to know for each of these, for example xmlp spent weeks and weeks back and forth with oasis. when ebxml wound down, they never came back after that. hh: happy to postpone this until i talk to msm who has experience with cgs... oasis is a w3c member, would be good if Karl could participate in wg, but he can anyway. that might be the way to go. df: so grid guys are becoming members? hh: didn't tell them to become member, but as invited expert but seemed interested in becoming member anyway. would like to send pointer to paper and tell us what they found. they are doing things that others don't do and then shut them down. have alot of transaction and state... df: one way to proceed is they can participate today through mailing lists. there is a sense that you want to see that they are committed to participating, have something useful to say and test that hypothisis by analyzing their contributions... have basis for inviting them as expert. hh: would be possible to invite them to next f2f jm: if they're representing the other group. hh: good point df: so argonne, global grid guys are thinking about this. hh: i told them i would get back to them ACTION: hugo to invite them to participate in mailing list and maybe invite them as observer to next f2f cf: is there a chair of ggf? hh: not sure of heirarchy, can talk to steven ???? to ask him to get recommendation from ggf leadership to represent them df: do we want to invite these guys? hh: we should do something about this, they're doing interesting things. don't think this is that much work. df: okay df: we've done ... only one left is WS-I? hh: still not much more info than couple weeks ago. waiting for responses to questions from Janet. jm: they've had first board meeting hh: any info? jm: no, just saw some mail df: in process of responding, setting up structures to respond to w3c hh: that makes sense they're still setting things up df: should we ask same questions about global grid? hh: good question, situation is slightly different df: ws-i could join w3c hh: yes df: maybe that's what ws-i board is considering? hh: would make sense if they consider that, you may have more info than me df: i can change hats easily:) jm: if they just had first meeting, we can be patient, see what develops df: ws-i is something of a placeholder for now, nothing to be done at the moment. we'll likely revisit 2. scheduling ws act wg f2f meetings jm: trying to collect hosts, offer from Cannon in france but they're not in wsawg. maybe somewhere near there. probably need to alternate east, west and europe. hh: maybe inria could organize, maybe paris, don't know . when is this? jm: 6 11-13 6 18-20 tues-thursday if we need to adjust to accomodate wsawg df: looking for wsd and wsa jm: only offered for wsd. jm: can wsawg work around this? cf: disa offered again jm: yes, talked to them. any of three weeks of sept avoids labor day and other holidays. preference would be 17-19 work around yom kippur. jm: will mail around calendar. when is next xmlp? df: that's something we're going to nail down today/tomorrow 4-6th of June in west coast. tied to west coast because we just went to europe. 3. charter requires wg to send status reports 24 hours before calls 4. status reports to be sent to public lists df: do we want to post irc logs? hh: tag is posting irc logs. they have a scribe taking minutes. df: they type the notes/minutes in irc log? hh: they did a summary but wasn't good use of time df: we could do that, need to remove phone number, etc from log but have no great ... hh: we can try this and see what people see df: can you (hh) take last irc log, remove numbers and post? if you post to public list, does that handle it? hh: i think so ACTION: hh to clean irc log and post to pubic list hh: this combined with status sent to public list, we should be okay cf: what's supposed to be in these status reports? hh: ws-cg modelled after xml-cg but they operate in member space df: as wg chair, i have one more piece of stuff to put out every week hh: if you believe that other wgs can live with out that, maybe okay. reluctant to say we bypass 'cuz it is in charter. df: but because it was cut-n-paste... hh: yeah, but even if it is open, this might be useful for some df: from cg pov it is benefit to other groups and to activity cf: could this be a summary in the weekly minutes? hh: yes, if we publish the uri, etc. df: haven't got time for full page status. hh: yes, but some are really short, still benefits cf: can we revisit this in a couple months? df: yes, let's reevaluate in a couple three months ACTION 12-June-2002: revisit status reporting df: needs to remind himself to remind chairs to produce status report -- Hugo Haas - W3C mailto:hugo@w3.org - http://www.w3.org/People/Hugo/ - tel:+1-617-452-2092
Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2002 16:20:07 UTC