RE: Typical SOA ... SOA Patterns - NO!!

In my humble opinion it is too late.  Even though I would probably
support such a statement (if I understood it), I think that it is VERY
clearly substantive and beyond the scope of mechanical preparation for
publication.  I think that it would be a VERY bad precedent to sneak a
substantive change in after the WG has disbanded.  In addition, I think
that the fact that as a former member of the former working group I
honestly do not understand what the statement means or the ramifications
of it indicates that discussion would have been required had it been
proposed during the working session of the group.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Paul Denning
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 10:40 AM
Subject: RE: Typical SOA ... SOA Patterns

At 10:20 AM 2004-01-30, Champion, Mike wrote:
>I completely agree.  The problem is that it is January 30th; the WG 
>charter ends tomorrow, and we are simply out of time to make *any* 
>substantive changes to the Note.  (Typos, broken links, etc. can be 
>reported and fixed until Wednesday, I believe).

I guess it is up to the editors to add verbiage (perhaps, or do
with @@) in section 4.3 [1], which now reads

4.3 Significant Unresolved Issues

@@What is the difference between an MEP and a Choreography?

@@What should be the representation returned by an HTTP "GET" on a Web 
service URI?

@@Should URIs be used to identify Web services components, rather than

@@The relationship between privacy and Web services technology needs 

@@SOAP 1.2 and this architecture introduce the concept of
but this concept is not represented in WSDL 2.0.

@@[wordsmith:] What happens if two WSDL documents define the same

@@The relationship between conversations, correlations and transactions
choreography is unclear and needs more work.

@@There is a need for consistent tracking mechanisms in Web services.

I am proposing

@@Further work on the relationships between and patterns for using Web 
services and SOA.

(Would be nice to add it if we can, but I understand if it is too late.)



Received on Friday, 30 January 2004 11:55:46 UTC