Property (was RE: updated service model)

At 12:38 PM 2004-01-14, Champion, Mike wrote:
> >
> > 2. Property is a deliberately vague term. However, it might
> > mean something like 'all messages pertaining to a given
> > task', or it might mean 'all messages that have a WS-CAF
> > header in them'.
>I'm currently in the mindset of wanting to remove anything that doesn't have
>a very compelling definition, and thost concepts that don't have any
>*compelling* need to be there.  Again, I'd rather leave them in than argue,
>but am waiting for others to give their opinion.

SOAP 1.2 defines the convention for describing Features and Bindings:

In general, a SOAP message is the information that one SOAP node wishes to 
exchange with another SOAP node according to a particular set of features, 
including a MEP. In addition, there may be information essential to 
exchanging a message that is not part of the message itself. Such 
information is sometimes called message metadata. In the model, the 
message, any message metadata, and the various information items that 
enable features are represented as abstractions called properties.

I would only add that the properties could be made part of the message 
(probably in a SOAP header block).

We need to be careful of using the same terms that are used in SOAP 1.2, 
but with different meaning.

Since our definition of a web service includes SOAP, I have no problem 
using SOAP concepts like "feature" and "property", if we use them consistently.

There may be a way to work in MEP and relate it to Choreography.

I have often felt we needed to say something about "layers", just so we can 
then say things like "MEPs operate at layer X, and Choreography at layer Y" 
(where X and Y are URI's of course).

"Layer" could be a "property".


Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2004 13:00:32 UTC