Nailing down consensus/dissent on the concepts connected to "serv ice"

We were having a rather productive discussion on the "service" concept and
the recent WSDL revisions constraining the service element but adding a
"targetResource" (not sure if that is the current term) attribute.

I made a proposal for document wording at  It got a
couple of "+1" comments and some dissent.

I think Ugo was the principal dissenter, apparently because he doesn't like
the way WSDL has moved on the <service> element in the last few weeks.  I'm
not sure how much of my draft wording his comments would affect. 

Mark and Walden didn't like the fuzziness about whether the URI identified
the "resource" itself (a printer in the usual example) or the Web service
interface to the printer.  

Could anyone suggest specific improvements to my draft text that would
alleviate their concerns?
I would like to try to get a better sense of how close we are to consensus
on the "service" concept.

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2003 22:44:23 UTC