Re: Proposed WSA doc language from RE: Separate concepts for "service " and "targetResource?"

+1 and ditto for "resources" in place of "objects".

> -- The "printer" example is a good one, but let's not get hung up on the
> idea that the "objects" (physical or software) behind the deployedService
> can be easily and uniquely identified.  Sure, a printer could be given a
> URN, or (God help us) an http URI along the line's of Dan Connolly's
> wretched car :-).  On the other hand, the deployedService may sit in front
> of a legacy system (a monolithic COBOL program, perhaps) that has no
> "objects" corresponding to the service that the deployedService performs.
> That is, the deployedService may use the APIs and data structures of the
> legacy program to present the illusion that there is a "purchase order
> processing service" even though that just one of a bazillion tangled up
> things that the program does.

Received on Thursday, 22 May 2003 12:10:54 UTC