RE: Proposed text on reliability in the web services architecture

As much as I admire the intelligence and experience that is poured into this
thread, it has gone on for some weeks now and has rather lost touch with the
original subject -- actual text for the WSA document on the various meanings
of "reliability" and how to address it.

This leads me to suggest some points of netiquitte for this list:

- It is where the WS Architecture WG does its technical work.  It's not for
general discussions of the philosophical issues surrounding Web services.
Consider moving threads to or when they
diverge from the work of the WSA WG.  (I realize that www-ws looks like a
DAML-S mailing list, but that is not its intended purpose!).

- Remove everyone whom you know is on the mailing list from the To: and CC:
fields.  I suspect that we all get far more mail than we want already, and
duplicates of the same message are not appreciated.

- Please, PLEASE use the subject line appropriately.  The current subject of
this thread is something like "Implementing a reliable delivery system" or
"Why bother implementing a reliable delivery layer".  Most people "tune out"
of mailing list threads after a couple of days, so as a rule of thumb a
thread that has gone on for more than a few days has lost its readership.
Anyone interested in having their thoughts read should change the subject

- Know when to "agree to disagree."  Remember that pertinent comments that
are made to www-wsa-comments pretty much MUST be tracked and formally
responded to before any document can advance in the W3C process.  You'll get
a fairer hearing on a point by recording a formal Issue than by beating it
to death on this list.

- Again, the more you orient messages "I think the WSA should say XXX about
YYY instead of | in addition to ZZZ", the more likely you are to actually
have an impact.  We just had a face to face meeting and will be updating the
documents very soon.  This is a VERY good time to suggest text on a) the
general subject of the definition and importance of "reliability"; b) the
various reliable messaging/delivery specs and what their common principles
might be; c) alternative ways to achieve reliable *applications* without a
reliable *infrastructure* (e.g., specific text and references about the
importance of idempotence, etc. ... but don't just say "see the Waldo
article" ... we've seen it!).


Mike Champion
[wearing my WSA WG co-chair hat and speaking at the request of the WG.  Dave
Hollander will be posting his own thoughts, I believe]

Received on Sunday, 26 January 2003 16:36:20 UTC