Re: REST; good for humans and machines

> You mean the distinction between getLastShardPriceOfIBM and
> (typo repeated)?
> In the first case the service can report that the operation is unknown and
> list all (say 10?) operations it supports.
> In the second case the service can report that the URI is unknown and list
> all (10,000?) URIs it knows of.

Any reason for choosing those particular numbers?

> Not that it makes one typo superior to the other, but perhaps there's some
> hidden distinction here that could actually represent a compelling
> to favor one approach over the other in a different, less marginal, use
> case.

Well, if I (as client) lifted that string out of  a response I just received
a few
milliseconds ago, it would seem to stand a high chance of being the correct
string.  But there are other ways of getting it correct also.  That's the
that I value.


Received on Sunday, 5 January 2003 23:36:39 UTC