Re: Architectural Roles document updated

At 03:30 PM 2/13/2003 +0100, Jean-Jacques Moreau wrote:
>One more comment: where does Google fit on scenario 0? The disovery agent 
>is explicit on scenario T; but isn't it implicit on scenario 0? What did I 

You are correct, Google isn't in Scenario 0.  Scenario 0 is simply included 
as a point of departure for explaining Scenario 1, which is a scenario in 
which the two parties are already known to each other, and thus do not need 
to discover each other.

It would be possible to add a Scenario 0b that would model the case in 
which the client uses Google to discover an appropriate Web site, but I 
didn't bother to do that, because the purpose of the document is to focus 
on Web services -- not conventional Web interactions -- and understand the 
roles that are needed under various Web services scenarios.

>David Booth wrote:
>>(Scenario 0)
>>(Scenario T)
>David Booth
>W3C Fellow / Hewlett-Packard
>Telephone: +1.617.253.1273

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 17:47:37 UTC