Re: new resource model


On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 03:45:49PM -0800, Francis McCabe wrote:
> This is a revised resource model diagram.
> I have removed the confusing service model aspect of discovery, and 
> added in agents using discovery services to discover resources.

I wouldn't think that a resource model needs a separate discovery
service.  Representations facilitate discovery.

In general, I'd prefer the removal of service, discovery service, and
resource description for similar reasons.  If the group wants to
describe how resources relate to services, you'd need to introduce
a "Web server" into the diagram I think.  But all resource descriptions
are representation, and all representations are resource descriptions.

> It does 
> not seem to be necessary to add publishing, but I am open to that.

If the group wants to go there, I'd suggest saying that an agent can
publish a representation (a Web server could too, depending upon your
definition of "publish").

> I have added in that resources may have representations. I realize that 
> services may not have useful representations, but other resources do.

Though I'd prefer service not be mentioned, all resources - even
services - have useful representations.

> I have also tied in a resource's URI to the resource description: i.e., 
> its not a description of the resource if it does not identify it. This 
> is potentially controversial - it disallows descriptions of the form: 
> all resources which are colored red.

As above, I don't see the need to distinguish between resource
description and representation.

> A person who owns a resource also set policy on it. That policy may be 
> linked to from the description. Again, there may be others who *also* 
> set policies on resources (the hosting agency for example).

I'll have to think more about that one ...

BTW, I'd also suggest that the agent discovers the URI rather than the

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2003 21:12:51 UTC