[MTF] Summary of F2F wrt management

Hi folks,
I was hoping to have some official F2F minutes to augment  with my own
observations, but it looks like I'm on my own.

Lifecycle - not too much discussion on technical content, but much
discussion on whether or not its part of core architecture, for now, not

Web service oriented architecture UML - not much discussion

Service Environment and Client Environment UML - much discussion, i think
there's more to be had here

Hosted Service UML - some discussion, more to be had by us and them here..

Discovery Agencies UML - proposed to add to discovery agencies details
little discussion

MTF progress charts:
      Concepts for W3C as discussed
      Relationships with other standards bodies
      Manager role
      Walked through submission for arch document
                  1. too normative in wording, we'll soften it
                  2. too much detail for rest of the architecture - debate
here on if the rest of the arch will catch up to this level of detail,
those polled said yes. If we have too much detail it can be moved to a
separate document.  Suggested adding a note at the front that there is more
detail on management because of the task force and that volume of
information is not an indication of importance.
                  3. move the example/realization to Management details
      Nothing can be added to the draft till Talking Blocks/Mark Potts
declares IP, or lack thereof

MTF recharter
      We have been recharted to work on the information consensus, Web
services client management, and a management primer
      We are also expected to come back in January with a 'what should the
w3c do next
      If we come back with too much detail then it will be passed to the
followon work

Heather Kreger
Web Services Lead Architect
STSM, SWG Emerging Technology
919-543-3211 (t/l 441)  cell:919-496-9572

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 16:09:35 UTC