D-AG0016 Technology Gaps CSFs

To develop D-AG0016 further with CSF's, here are some starting points:

Summary of D-AG0016

Wording of the goal:
identify architectural and technology gaps that prevent interoperability,
recommend existing standards and technologies where available,
and formation of working groups to formulate new, 
or to standardize existing, specifications or technologies for filling the

Success factors:

The Web Services Architecture WG should:

1. Identify what constitutes interoperability
1.1 in architectural realm.
1.2 in technological realm.
Note this is covered by another goal.

2. Identify existing
2.1 architecture that supports interoperability
2.2 technologies that support interoperability

3. Identify gaps
3.1 in architectural realm.
3.2 in technological realm.

4. Formation of WGs to address gaps
4.1 in architectural realm.
4.2 in technological realm.


Yin Leng

Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2002 12:34:03 UTC