RE:D-AG0017, should be D-AG0018

Sorry, the number should be: D-AG0018

Following today's meeting, I give my first shot at D-AG0018.  I'd appreciate
help from you language masters out there.

  provide a standard convention of measuring web services metrics; define
standard instrumentations to web services so they can be managed by a
management framework.


1. Quality of Service is a typical and very important web services metric.
It may be composed of Availability of Service, Reliability of Service and
other metrics.
2. The definition of management framework is out of scope.  There are a
number of such technologies available:

BTW, did not we agree that the following should become a new goal:

D-AG00xx: ensure the reliability, stability, and predictable evolution of
web services


Received on Thursday, 14 March 2002 23:34:23 UTC