DAG0010 - use of XML

1) I agree with Dave O.'s statements that goals are guiding principles, some
of which will not be met in their entirety.

2) I agree with Daniel's intent "XML where practical". 

To help us think about this goal, I ask myself if the adoption of this goal
would this goal helped us in past W3C projects? 

	RDF was originally defined in a non-XML syntax. After the conversion
	XML was complete, there were several people who would have (and did)
	debate if the adoption was "practical".

	XML DTD's are not in XML. We considered fixing this before the
	of XML 1.0 but decided that it would take too long.

I am afraid that the lack of precision in the current wording would have
created one more non-compelling detail to be discussed in the debates.

I think the answer to get past this may be in splitting the goal between 
web service infrastructure and payloads. I believe the goals and judgments
are easier to agree to.
Dave Hollander
dmh at contivo.com
(use the traditional @ sign in email. I just want to stop the mail bots from
using my address for spam)

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2002 17:03:38 UTC