Re: Back to Requirements (was RE: Web Service Definition [Was

Hey Stefano, good to see you here.

> I think this is the right path. Making a definition without
> sketching out all the requirements and without knowing the
> properties of what we are going to build, is imho quite risky
> since words could have different meanings for many people.
> As you say, we are not dealing with something "already known",
> for which a definition could be easily and unambiguosly found.
> Let's explore what we are dealing with and, based on the findings,
> let's later give a concise definition.

Well, we must keep in mind that we're not starting with a clean
slate with our work; we have the Web architecture to "cleanly
integrate" (per our charter).

Hence me bringing this up now.  I understand and appreciate that the
definition is a work in progress, and look forward to refining it in
the future, but I don't ever want it to be in a state where it goes
against Web architecture.

I hope that explains why my responses have been, shall we say,
"spirited". 8-)  Onward to requirements!

Mark Baker, Chief Science Officer, Planetfred, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 10:05:01 UTC