Re: Web Services Definition and XML

Hey Hugo,

> I am not replying to this on purpose because my mind is unclear about
> that. Thinking out loud, CSS or even PNG could very well be
> machine-processed, but wouldn't be used as a medium of communication,
> just as output. Having said that, I am sure that somebody will prove
> me wrong.

What do you mean by "medium of communication"?  A SOAP envelope

> I believe that all those (XML Infoset, serialization of the Infoset
> (with angle brackets or not, in an envelope or not), XML Query (even
> if the syntax isn't XML-based)) belong to the XML family, and are
> therefore in the XML bucket referred to in the charter.

Ok, let's see what I can conclude from that ...

In the XML family of pipelined XML technologies we have XML Query, which
accepts non-XML content and produces XML.  We also have XSLT which
accepts XML and can produce plain text.

That says to me that it is not a requirement of technologies in the XML
family that they necessarily produce or consume XML.  It is only
required that they *either* produce, consume, or otherwise operate on
or inspect (such as Infoset, XPointer, etc..) XML.

Is that fair?  If so, I'd say that leaves us considerable leeway in how
we meet our charter, which is a Very Good Thing.

Mark Baker, Chief Science Officer, Planetfred, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Monday, 4 March 2002 21:29:09 UTC