RE: D-AG004: Ensures platform independence: Summary

I like option "a" best.  It is clearest.

At 10:10 AM 4/18/2002 -0700, Munter, Joel D wrote:
>The term "platform" is generally and commonly recognized as too 
>restrictive for this goal.  Web services will be run on lots of different 
>form factor devices and will be run via physically connected and wireless 
>scenarios.  I suggest that the goal include the term "devices" either as a 
>replacement for the word "platform" or as an adjunct to it.  I personally 
>prefer option a) below.  for instance, I suggest two options for a slight 
>edit of the goal as:
>     a) D-AG0004 ensures platform and device independence of web services 
> components... or
>     b) D-AG0004 ensures device independence of web services components...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Abbie Barbir []
>Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:11 PM
>Cc: Abbie Barbir
>Subject: D-AG004: Ensures platform independence: Summary
>This is the summary of D-AG004: Ensures platform independence.
>The goal as stated
>ensures platform independence of web services components in a way that does
>not preclude any programming model nor assume any particular mode of
>communication between the individual components
>1. Goal statement stays as is.
>2. Crtitical Success Factors
>a. Focus on using platform independent development tools and languages.
>b. Interfaces to web components must be properly defined and designed.
>c. Focus on defining the architecture in terms of components and the 
>relationships between them.
>     Components are defined in terms of interfaces, that defines their 
> inputs and outputs and also the form
>     and constraints on those inputs and outputs. The relationships 
> between components are described in terms
>     of messages and the protocols by means of which these messages are 
> transmitted among the interfaces
>     of the components that make up the architecture.
>3. Derived Requirements
>a. Consistent definition of web components
>b. Good definition of web component Interfaces their inputs/outpus and 
>their constraints.
>c. Use XML based techniques for defining messages/protocols for invoking 
>web components.
>I have tried to summarize the points in concise format. I need feedback if 
>I have not expressed the summary in a proper language and/or format.

David Booth
W3C Fellow / Hewlett-Packard
Telephone: +1.617.253.1273

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 16:47:54 UTC