[Fwd: observations on mozile "Save" options]

I thought folks on the Winie list might be interested in
some of the discussions relative to the "Lost Update"
problem on the Mozile (Mozilla In-Line Editor) mailing list.

See also:


I've tried Winie 0.9a and so far it works wonderfully on
Solaris 8 with Java 1.4.2.

Thanks for building a nice application and furthering
collaborative authoring on the web.


Eric R. Johnson
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone:  (303)-272-5671, x75671
Email:  eric.r.johnson@sun.com

Forwarded message 1

  • From: Eric Johnson <Eric.R.Johnson@Sun.COM>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 13:22:39 -0700
  • Subject: observations on mozile "Save" options
  • To: Mailing-List Mozile <mozile@mozdev.org>
  • Message-id: <3FBBD10F.4040601@Sun.COM>
This is probably going to be a long one, so please delete
if you're not interested.  :)

As some list members may recall, I've been experimenting
with different options for gracefully handling saves
from Mozile to a PUT-capable webserver.  The major barrier
to enabling collaborative authoring with Mozile is that a
stateless client like Mozilla/Mozile is prone to collisions
or the "Lost Update" problem (see below).

As I see it, there are a number of alternative solutions
to preventing or handling collisions.  Some options rely
on Mozile, some conflict with it.

*What solutions are current list members employing?*

Anyway, the alternatives I see are:

  1. Warning on Conflict.  Supplement Mozile's simple PUT
     with code/logic to issue a HEAD request, inspect ETags
     and prompt the user in the event of an update collision.
     (Essentially copying the logic of Winie/WebCommander.)

  2. Punt.  Place responsibility for managing conflicts on the
     website admins & developers.  In other words, leave it
     website admins/developers to write or obtain server-side
     app logic (as in a CMS) to prevent or handle conflicts.

  3. Un-Reserved Checkout, Automatic-Detection and Manual
     Resolution of Conflicts at Check-in [UCAD].  Use webDAV
     server-side auto-versioning (as in Subversion) or similar
     strategy to enable manual recovery from update collisions.

  4. Reserved Checkout [RC]. Implement LOCK & UNLOCK in Mozile.

  5. Reserved Checkout [RC].  Use a standalone application like
     DAVExplorer to manage locking or resources for update.

  6. Out-of-Band Communications & Social Agreements [OBC]. Limit
     PUT permissions to only 1 or so people that can coordinate
     updates & prevent collisions.

After experimenting with options #1, #3 & #5, I've found
that I most prefer option #1 (prompt in the event of a
collision).  Option #4 is also interesting.  Unfortunately,
I'm stuck with option #6 at the moment.

Here's what I see for pros, cons & questions:

  1. Warning on Conflict. Prompt on collision (ETags)
      + ETags widely supported & easy to configure on
        most free webservers (Apache, Jigsaw, TomCat)
      + Adoption requires no coding or additional CMS
        products; Enables sysadmins to easily set up.
      + Seamless to users if no conflict.  In other words.
        manage by exceptions only (as opposed to proactive
        LOCKing solutions).
      + Low/No overhead for conflict resolution by server
      - Requires code contributions from busy volunteer
        developer community
      ? Is this feature desired by the wider Mozile user

  2. Punt.  Leave collision management to admins & developers
      + No overhead for Mozile's volunteer developers
      - Lack of integrated solution to collisions may
        prevent adoption by non-developers
      ? Opinions?

  3. Auto-versioning & manual recovery from collisions [UCAD]
      + No overhead for Mozile's volunteer developers
      - High overhead for website admins
      - Lack of integrated solution to collisions may
        prevent adoption by non-developers.

  4. Reserved Checkout.  Implement LOCK & UNLOCK in Mozile
      + *Should* prevent update collisions
      - Would probably need to implement Mozile or server
        logic to only expose editing functions when the
        page/document is locked
      - Requires multiple steps for every edit (uses
        proactive management model as opposed to an
        exception management model).
      ? This could be workable...  Thoughts?

  5. Reserved Checkout.  Use a standalone app like DAVExplorer,
     etc, to manage locking, etc
      + Robust prevention of collisions
      - Why use an in-line editor at this point??

  6. Social Agreements.  Limit PUT permissions to only a very
     small group of people that can coordinate updates & prevent
      + Workable in small groups (especially groups of one)
      - Prone to error & failure
      - High potential for data loss

Obviously, the above is my opinion only.  Hopefully, it is



"Lost Update":  http://www.w3.org/1999/04/Editing/
Winie:  http://jigsaw.w3.org/Winie/
WebCommander:  http://www.w3.org/WinCom/
Subversion:  http://subversion.tigris.org/
DAVExplorer:  http://www.ics.uci.edu/~webdav/

Configuring ETags in Apache:

  o Compile Apache with mod_expires (--enable-expires)
    and mod_headers (--enable-headers)
  o Add the ETag stuff to httpd.conf, like so:

     <Location /p3>
       DAV on
       FileETag MTime Size
        (some stuff deleted...)
  o Restart Apache

   ^Paul, etc, I thought you might be interested in trying this
    Apache config.  Not sure if mod_headers is needed, but
    it didn't hurt anything to include it in my config.

Eric R. Johnson
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone:  (303)-272-5671, x75671
Email:  eric.r.johnson@sun.com

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 15:46:50 UTC