Re: Bug report: Winie not saying commit was not made

Dimitris Dimitriadis wrote:
> I hope this is the right forum to send bug reports.
> On updating a few pages in the DOM/Test hierarchy, I consecutively got
> the message that the particular files were updated. On checking this
> more in detail later, it turned out that my changes had not been
> commited.

To be more precise: The file uploaded was the same version as the
file on the server, so jigedit wasn't doing anything and Winie
was reflecting "OK".

Is it possible to differenciate the case "OK, I changed the file on
the server." from the case "OK, I did nothing, everything is fine."?

Dimitris: I don't know why your changes were not in the version you
were trying to upload but I can garantee that it wasn't a jigedit/winie
problem. Are you sure you saved the document before trying to upload
it? Are you sure the version you were trying to upload was the
one you were editing?


Received on Thursday, 29 November 2001 19:15:16 UTC