- From: Jie Bao <baojie@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 21:45:44 -0500
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========================================================= 4th Int. Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO) Toronto, Canada, May 11, 2010 held in conjunction with FOIS 2010 --- 2nd Call for Papers --- Submission deadline: January 29, 2010 ========================================================= http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~okutz/womo4 INVITED SPEAKERS Simon Colton, Imperial College London Marco Schorlemmer, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Barcelona MODULARITY, as studied for many years in software engineering, allows mechanisms for easy and flexible reuse, generalization, structuring, maintenance, design patterns, and comprehension. Applied to ontology engineering, modularity is central not only to reduce the complexity of understanding ontologies, but also to facilitate ontology maintenance and ontology reasoning. Recent research on ontology modularity shows substantial progress in foundations of modularity, techniques of modularization and modular development, distributed reasoning and empirical evaluation. These results provide a foundation for further research and development. The workshop follows a series of successful events that have been an excellent venue for practitioners and researchers to discuss latest work and current problems, and is this time organised as a satellite workshop of FOIS 2010, as well as being co-located with several other relevant events, namely KR, AAMAS, ICAPS, NMR, and DL. TOPICS include, but are not limited to: - What is Modularity: Kinds of modules and their properties; modules vs. contexts; design patterns; granularity of representation; - Logical/Foundational Studies: Conservativity; modular ontology languages (e.g., DDL, E-Connections, P-DL); reconciling inconsistencies across modules; formal structuring of modules; heterogeneity; - Algorithmic Approaches: distributed reasoning; modularization and module extraction; (selective) sharing and re-using, linking and importing; hiding and privacy; evaluation of modularization approaches; complexity of reasoning; reasoners or implemented systems; - Applications: Semantic Web; Life Sciences; Bio-Ontologies; Natural Language Processing; ontologies of space and time; Ambient Intelligence; collaborative ontology development; etc. IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: January 29, 2010 Notification: March 1, 2010 Camera ready: March 11, 2010 Workshop day: May 11, 2010 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The workshop welcomes submission of high quality original and previously unpublished papers. Contributions should not exceed 13 pages in length and must be formatted according to IOS Press style (see http://www.iospress.nl/authco/instruction_crc.html ). Contributions should be prepared in PDF format and submitted not later than January 29 2010 through the EasyChair Submission System (see http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=womo2010 ). Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee. Accepted papers may be extended up to 16 pages and will be published as chapters in an IOS Press book in the series 'Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications'. The authors of accepted papers are also welcome to submit substantially extended versions to a planned special issue on 'Modularity in Ontologies' of the international journal 'Applied Ontology' (IOS Press). WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS: Oliver Kutz (Research Center on Spatial Cognition (SFB/TR 8), Bremen, Germany) Joana Hois (Research Center on Spatial Cognition (SFB/TR 8), Bremen, Germany) Jie Bao (Tetherless World Constellation & Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Bernardo Cuenca Grau (University of Oxford, UK) PROGRAM COMMITTEE Mathieu d'Aquin (Knowledge Media Institute, Open University of Milton Keynes, UK) Alex Borgida (Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, USA) Stefano Borgo (Laboratory for Applied Ontology, CNR, Trento, Italy) Martin Dzbor (Knowledge Media Institute, Open University of Milton Keynes, UK) Faezeh Ensan (Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Canada) Fred Freitas (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil) Silvio Ghilardi (Department of Computer Science, University of Milan, Italy) John Goodwin (Ordnance Survey, Southampton, UK) Peter Haase (fluid Operations GmbH, Germany) Heinrich Herre (Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, University of Leipzig, Germany) Pascal Hitzler (Kno.e.sis Center, Wright State University, USA) Vasant Honavar (Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory, Iowa State University, USA) Roman Kontchakov (School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, London, UK) Carsten Lutz (Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen, Germany) Till Mossakowski (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Lab Bremen, Germany) Alan Rector (University of Manchester, UK) Anne Schlicht (KR & KM Research Group, University of Mannheim, Germany) Thomas Schneider (School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK) Luciano Serafini (Centro Per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Trento, Italy) Stefano Spaccapietra (School of Computer and Communication Sciences, Lausanne, Switzerland) Heiner Stuckenschmidt (KR & KM Research Group, University of Mannheim, Germany) Andrei Tamilin (Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST, Italy) Dirk Walther (Department of Computer Science, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain) Frank Wolter (Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, UK) Michael Zakharyaschev (School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, London, UK) Antoine Zimmermann (DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland)
Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2010 02:46:35 UTC