Knowledge Zone - One Stop Shop for Ontologies


-- Knowledge Zone - One stop shop for Ontologies ---

Knowledge Zone is a web-based portal that allows users to submit their
ontologies, to search for existing ontologies, to find out their
rankings based on user reviews, to post their own reviews, and to rate
reviews. We would like to invite you to submit your Ontology in the
Knowledge Zone application
(  Knowledge Zone
is one of the efforts to provide metadata related to ontologies to
help users find, access, and assess ontologies for their applications
as well as promote dissemination of ontologies and their re-use.

If you are familiar with or using any of the ontologies that are
already in the repository, we invite you to provide reviews and
ratings for them. If you know anyone who uses your ontology or would
be a good person to provide a review for it, we invite you to send
them the link to the KnowledgeZone and encourage them to review and
rate your ontology.

Your contribution to this effort will be valuable to us and it will
benefit the ontology community.

Thank you in advance for your help,
Kaustubh Supekar
Doctoral Student, Stanford Medical Informatics.

Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2005 17:19:46 UTC