Re: Chair's Concerns re: Test Cases and CR

On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 10:10, Jim Hendler wrote:
> and, in fact, rereading the Guide I 
> realize that a more typical query would be something like
>    "From the current ontology can we conclude that WINE1 goes well 
> with FOOD1", as opposed to asking "Is the whole wine ontology 
> consistent"
>   What I would suggest would be to create a version of these tests 
> that are entailment tests (by generating a number of different 
> conclusions that are entailed from the current set)

I like that idea.

I hope to find time to persue it, though I'm not at all sure
I'll find it.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 11:22:49 UTC