Re: S&AS question datatype URI syntax

From: Jeremy Carroll <>
Subject: S&AS question datatype URI syntax
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 15:11:58 +0300

> This is a comment on:
> sections 2 and 4.
> I had assumed that the following is not legal OWL DL
> eg:prop rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty .
> _:a rdf:type owl:Thing .
> _:a eg:prop "foo"^^<>.
> because the URI used in the typed literal is not a datatypeIDs  (either 
> xsd:XXX rdfs:XMLLiteral or maybe a user datatype declared as such - I have 
> lost the plot on the resolution of the last possibility).
> However I can't see how S&AS rules out the above graph.
> Have I misread this, or is it intended, or is it a bug?
> Jeremy

Bug or feature is in the eye of the beholder.

The current situation is that an OWL dataliteral in the abstract syntax is
either an untyped literal or a typed literal.  The type of a typed literal
is a URIReference (Note the typo, just fixed in my copy.) not a
datatypeID.  Under this reading, there is no need that there be a datatype
typing triple for them.

Is this a bug?  I don't know.  Changing it would not be hard, but, again,
should require a working group decision.

The change would be along the lines:
1/ Require that the types of typed literals in the OWL abstract syntax be
2/ Change the mapping for literals in 4.1 to have a case for typed literals
   that would be of the form.




datatypeID rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .
datatypeID rdf:type rdfs:Class . [opt]

Main node


Productions for untyped literals would also be needed.


Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2003 11:59:51 UTC