CR-OWL-guide-20030818 typos

Hi All,

I've been reading the last OWL guide CR (18-Aug-2003), and I think there are a couple of typos:

1) section 3.2.1. Defining Properties

Original text:
A property is a binary relation. Two types of properties are distinguished: 
* datatype properties, relations between instances of classes and RDF literals and XML Schema datatypes
* ...

It should be:
* datatype properties, relations between instances of classes or RDF literals, and XML Schema datatypes

2) section 3.2.1. Defining Properties

Original text:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasWineDescriptor">
  <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Wine" />
  <rdfs:range  rdf:resource="#WineDescriptor" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasColor">
  <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasWineDescriptor" />
  <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WineColor" />

WineDescriptor properties relate wines to their color and components of their taste, including sweetness, body, and flavor.

it should be:
hasWineDescriptor properties relate wines to their color and components of their taste, including sweetness, body, and flavor.

I hope this helps

Marco Sbodio
HP Services, Consulting & Integration
Hewlett Packard Italiana S.r.l. Trapani 16, 10139 Torino

Received on Monday, 8 September 2003 09:23:46 UTC