range of rdf:predicate

Folks: I am instructed to obtain feedback from y'all on a 
technicality concerning the RDF reification vocabulary: should the 
rdfs:range of rdf:predicate be rdf:Property or rdfs:Resource? The 
stronger constraint seems more intuitively rational, but some of us 
have a memory of the stronger constraint possibly causing problems 
for OWL. We would like to know if this is true; that is:

If RDF requires that

rdf:predicate rdfs:range rdf:Property  .

will this negatively impact the OWL specs? If we obtain no answer or 
if the answer is 'no' then we will probably make all our documents 
conform to this.

Thanks for your prompt attention to this small matter.

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Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 10:46:19 UTC