Re: Analyzing OWL problems in some projects

Jim Hendler wrote:

> ...We have found a number of problems of various kinds, but one that 
> seems to come up a lot is people using owl:subclassOf, owl:range, and 
> owl:domain -- I'm not sure if we have a test that actually exposes 
> these -- might be worth creating some to make it more obvious 

These sorts of typos are best caught by syntactic validators i.e. XML 
schemas --- the problem is that there isn't one for OWL. Would it be 
helpful to extend the RELAXNG schema for RDF/XML to prevent "extending 
the OWL namespace"? or else are we happy to prevent a small subset of 
potentially infinite class of errors of this type. e.g. owl:rng 
owl:range owl:renge ...

It is relatively easy specify *all* the illegal names at the XML 
validation level by the pattern:

owl:* - (owl:Class|owl:Thing|owl:Restriction ...)


Received on Monday, 20 October 2003 16:31:59 UTC