RE: miscellaneous-010 and others

> I seem to be having trouble getting some of the tests to load from the
web site.
> I can browse to the directories containing the tests, but trying to load
> These are the tests that I know I am having problems with, there may be
>            miscellaneous-010
>            extracredit-002
>            someValuesFrom-002
>            I6.1-001
>            disjointWith-010
>            I5.26-001
> I can load most of the tests, but these are giving me some problems. Any
> I remember seeing a message about permission problems not long ago. Could
it be more of that?

I actually did a test run for
and also for all the other positive entailment tests,
inconsistency tests, import entailment tests and
owl for owl tests accessing them from the web with a
http client (one in Java and one in C#) and had no
specific trouble...
Maybe you should look to the http request/reply headers??

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 17 October 2003 20:29:03 UTC