Re: description-logic208

Would you like me to change the test by deleting this part of the conclusion?
We could add a separate test with this part as a nonconclusion.
Any idea what the minimal premises are?

Is it worth comparing the test with the original DL 98 test (or is that oo 
much of a pain)?

Presumably finding this part as a nonconclusion is done by finding a 
tableau, so in principal we have a witness as to why the test is wrong.
I doubt you could make it small enough to be examined by hand ...


Sean Bechhofer wrote:

> On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Sean Bechhofer wrote:
>>Has anyone had any success with this test?
>>Judging by the test results, nobody has passed this one (and I'm getting
>>odd results from my implementation). I am beginning to wonder whether
>>there was an error in the translation from the original test, but if
>>someone has managed to show the entailments, I'll be happy.....
> I am now convinced there is a problem with this one. Both RACER and
> Vampire claim that that the following entailment in the conclusion does
> *not* hold:
> [[
> <owl:Thing rdf:about="">
>  <rdf:type>
>   <owl:Class rdf:about="" />
>  </rdf:type>
> </owl:Thing>
> ]]
> 	Sean

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 05:10:32 UTC