Re: editor's drafts, going forward

I'll try generating something and do a diff and see how close I can get to 
what you've got, will give you a ping probably sometime next week as to 
whether it is close enough.

If we are going to add or modify any tests during PR I will be 
unconfortable using the REC style sheet in the test editors draft, in which 
case I will revert to a PR sheet - this is fairly trivial (both ways) for me.


Sandro Hawke wrote:

> I made the expected changes to the drafts for PR, and I've made a few
> more in preparation for the next release (hopefully REC), mostly
> things to help publication be easier.  (For instance, intermediate
> "STAGE" URIs to,  "31 December 2099" as the publication date, 
> and the "editor's draft" announcement is standardized.  I also made
> that announcement ridiculously prominent to balance to use of the REC
> style sheet.) 
> So the current versions are in
> Please use these for your editor's drafts going forward, or let me
> know if this causes any difficulty.  Once you've copied these to your
> "editor's draft" locations, I'll start copying changes made there back
> to WebOnt/TR, so we can all see and verify the documents in one stable
> place, all able to link to each other.  This may or may not save work,
> but I think it will significantly reduce the risk of errors being
> introduced during publication.
> Meanwhile, for the next version I think we'll want: 
>     - an updated bibliography (with a consistent reference format for
>       RDF Core and OWL documents)
>     - a change log since PR (with the id "changes-since-PR" please),
>       even if it just says "none"
> Plus, of course, all the substantive changes we make.  :-)  [that's a joke]
> (RDF Core has been using something a bit like this already; I'll send
> something to RDF Core editors about this soon.)
>       -- sandro

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2003 02:46:06 UTC