DECISION RESULTS (both issues) - Chairs' decisions

It looks like we have enough votes on the web to be able to move 
ahead.  I hereby declare the following resolved by consensus:

RESOLVED:  the following is passed by consensus:

we approve the output
of the 20 November meeting [3], recognizing that these will be the
last changes to the normative test suite except for possible changes
due to new information during PR and normative errata.

Specifically, proposed are:
   From: Jeremy Carroll <>
   Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 10:54:51 +0000
   Subject: proposal to change some datatype tests from APPROVED to EXTRACREDIT
   From: Sean Bechhofer <>
   Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 11:08:50 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
   Subject: Proposal to approve tests

As part of this, I also propose the Working Group delegate the
question of whether the PROPOSED tests stay in the document to Jeremy
and Jos.  (Dan and I lean towards them being removed.)

RESOLVED: The following is passed by consensus

The working group agrees to make the changes to the status of tests 
as proposed in

Note - should there be any conflict between the two resolutions, the 
editor has the perogative to resolve the contradiction.

p.s. Note - given the irregularity in the online decision making, we 
will accept objections to the decisions above in the very unlikely 
case that there are any.  Note that there is no need to register any 
more positive indications as these were not formal WG votes (per se), 
but online decisions corresponding to our usual WG test resolutions 
usually made on the phone.
Professor James Hendler 
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-277-3388 (Cell)

Received on Monday, 1 December 2003 15:45:25 UTC