Re: TEST: inconsistency testcases for maxCardinality feature

[...was expecting worse]

>> if
>>   :sb1 :prop :ob1 .
>>   :sb1 :prop :ob2 .
>>   :sb1 :prop :ob3 .
>> and
>>   :sb1 a [ a owl:Restriction;
>>            owl:onProperty :prop;
>>            owl:maxCardinality "2" ] .
>> then
>>   this is inconsistent
>> --
>No, this is consistent.  Remember, there is no unique names assumption.

OK, would it be OK to add that :ob1, :ob2 and :ob3 are pairwise
owl:differentFrom each other?
is there another way?

>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> if
>>   :sb1 :prop :ob1 .
>>   :sb1 :prop :ob2 .
>>   :sb1 :otherprop :ob3 .
>> and
>>   :sb1 a [ a owl:Restriction;
>>            owl:onProperty :prop;
>>            owl:maxCardinality "2" ] .
>>   :otherprop rdfs:subPropertyOf :prop .
>> then
>>   this is inconsistent
>> --
>Similarly, also consistent.
>> Jos De Roo, AGFA
>Further, neither of the above is RDF.  In proposing a test, I think that
>the actual test needs to be given out.

OK, just dereference the given URI's and you get the RDF/XML
I just extracted the comments into my message


>PS: I get an error when accessing the
> directory.  Is this the
>desired behaviour?

I have no clue as to how I could change that, DanC?
(directories somehow seem to be special)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 11:20:04 UTC