editing error in layering semantics document

I neglected to erase a sentence in section 6 of


which said "Moreover, the OWL universe is extensional, ie there 
cannot be distinct OWL classes or properties with the same 
extension."  Please ignore this sentence, which is WRONG. If you 
download the document now, the sentence isn't there.

Sorry about that, and thanks to Peter for noticing.

I have also added one additional technical comment at the end of 
section 2 to help explain why we cannot manage with extensionality, 
fixed one typo in section 5 (owl:property owl:samePropertyAs 
rdf:Property should have been owl:Property owl:sameClassAs 
rdf:Property) , and toned down the color a bit (it looked too bright 
in IE.).  No other changes have been made. BTW, a better title for it 
now might be something like "Using OWL with RDF", which would 
acknowledge the separate existence of OWL, but also point to the 
central issue here.

BTW, readers who are, er, semantically challenged might want to look 
at section 7 first.


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Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 14:45:46 UTC