GUIDE: initial comments on Guide doc Sep 4

Soem initial comments (full review to follow)
Guide document, version 4 Sep 2002
Emphasis is on the examples used.

Sec. "History":
- make clear what the relation is between the NAICS example and OWL

Sec. "Simple classes  ..":

Generally:use naming conventions for class, property and individual
names and make them explicit. I aslo tend to avoid terms like
"grapeSlot", which are technique-specific. Use something like
"wineGrape"  for such properties. 

It is unfortunate that the subclass relation is illustrated with a
example that has a part-of flavor (US-region, Californian-region). Mixing
part-whole with subclass-of is a frequently encountered error, and,
while the region example is stricly speaking not wrong, a more ntatural
subclass example would have been better. I suggest to use
"GrapeVariety" as an example with blue and white grape varieties as

I have some problems with including the class PotableLiquid. Why is it
needed in this wine ontology. It would typically be part of another
ontology, and you migth want to refer to it. It could be an example of
using other people's definitions. 

Sec. "Properties of individuals"

In the first example: why is the SantaCruz individual an instance
(rdf:type) of CabertSauvignon (which, I assume, mus be an instance of
Grape). Is this a special grape variety or a "Wine"?

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2002 11:50:17 UTC